When buying real estate property, you should not assume that property taxes will remain the same. Whenever there is a change in ownership, the assessed value of the property may reset to full market value, which could result in higher property taxes. Please use our Tax Estimator to approximate your new property taxes.
The Property Appraiser does not send tax bills and does not set or collect taxes. Please visit the Tax Collector's website directly for additional information.
Homeowners can now complete the entire application process for Florida’s Homestead Exemption and for the Homestead Assessment Difference (commonly referred to as Portability) on this website, and submit their application directly to the Property Appraiser’s Office.
Currently the online application is only for Homestead Exemption and Portability. Property owners who qualify for other exemptions, must complete the corresponding form and submit it to the Property Appraiser’s Office.
File for Homestead Exemption online.